Language Processing


  • 1-Gram: 1 preceding word, 2-Gram: 2 preceding words
    • Rows and columns of words (left then top)
    • Normalise each row to sum to 1 (divide by total occurrences) to estimate the probability of a word occurring after another word
  • Co-occurrence Matrix
    • Each row is a word, each column represents a nearby word
    • 10-word window is 5 words on either side

Singular Value Decomposition

  • The co-occurrence natrix can be decomposed as $X = USV^T$.
    • $U_{(L\times L)}$, are unitary (all columns have unit length)
    • $V_{(M\times M)}$, are unitary
    • $S_{(L\times M)}$ is diagonal with entries $s_1 >= s_2 >= … >= s_M >= 0$
  • Usually L=M=number of words in vocabulary, or M is the number of documents in the collection
  • This is expensive, so we use:
    • word2vec:
      • predictive model
      • maximises the probability of a word based on surrounding words
    • GloVe:
      • count based model
      • reconstruct a close approximation to the co-occurrence matrix X


  • Say you have a dictionary of V words - each word can be represented in ‘one hot encoding’, e.g. a vector of 0’s with a 1 at a particular location.
    • 10000000 could be the word ‘apple’ in dictionary of 8 words
  • Input is a one-hot encoded word
  • Output, when softmax is applied, is a vector of probabilities
    • Each probability represents the chance the word appears nearby the input (context) word
  • Hidden units act as an $V\times N$ lookup table - given a V, it will return weights for that V. This is because the input is one-hot encoded.
    • Those weights/features are then used with softmax to predict nearby words

Cost function

  • Probability that the word j is occurring in the context of the word k:

$prob(word_j|word_k) = \frac{exp(u_j)}{\sum_{j’=1}^V\space exp(u_{j’})}=\frac{exp({v’}_j^Tv_k)}{\sum_{j’=1}^V\space exp({v’}_{j’}^Tv_k)}$

  • Cost is the log of this. We want to maximise:

$1/T\sum_{t=1}^T\sum_{c}log prob(w_{t+r}|w_t)$

Extensions for word2vec

  • Continuous Bag of Words
    • Have multiple inputs (words) that return one possible nearby word
    • All inputs have the same weights $W_{V\times N}$
  • Skip-Gram Model
    • Have multple nearby outputs (words) from the one input
    • All outputs have the same weights $W’_{N\times V}$

Efficiency of word2vec

  • Hierarchical Softmax
    • Instead of calculating softmax for all words, have the output correspond to a branch of a tree
    • Only nodes visited along the path to target word are evaluated ($log_2(V)$ nodes)
    • Each path is a sigmoid function, each path represents a probability and you multiply the probabilities
    • Frequency of words on left children are about the same as frequency of right children (Huffman property)

  • Subsampling
    • Diminish the influence of more frequent word
    • Discard words with a probability based on the frequency of the word. $t ~ 10^-5$

$P(w_i) = 1-\sqrt{\frac{t}{f(w_i)}}$

  • Negative Sampling
    • Update only a small number of weights, rather than all of them, for the word pair
    • Choose a small number of ‘negative’ words (words that we want the network to output 0 for) and update those weights
      • Around 5-20 for small datasets, 2-5 for large
    • Also update the ‘positive’ word
    • Error:

  • use unigram distribution for the selection of negative samples. This is its weight equal to frequency raised to 3/4 power.

$P(w_i) = \frac{frequency(w_i)^{3/4}}{\sum_{j=0}^nfrequency(w_j)^{3/4}}$

Which is equivalent to:

P(w) = U(w)3/4/Z

U(w) = Unigram distribution determined by previous word, Z = normalizing constant.


Multi-modal Skip-Gram

  • Augment skip-gram model to label features from images with words
    • Extract activations $u_j$ for each word from highest layers of a CNN model

Applications for Translation

  • Neural translation
    • Convert from English to French
    • Last LSTM hidden unit encodes entire English sentence
    • Decoded into French in reverse
  • Bidirectional Recurrent Encoder
    • Words from later tells you current meaning - one LSTM going forward direction, the other going in the reverse direction
  • Attention Mechanism
    • Instead of only taking the last hidden unit, take the weighted sum of all hidden units in the RNN/LSTM. Weights chosen by backpropogation
    • Focuses attention on those timesteps which are most relevant for choosing the next word in the translated sentence.
    • Focuses attention on part of the sentence we are translating via the weights
  • Google Neural Machine Translation
    • Stacked LSTMs, with each feeding in to more layers
    • Skip connections
  • Captioning with Attention
    • Image (CNN weights) replaces the sentence input