Image Processing

Image Datasets and Tasks

  • Various datasets:
    • MNIST handwritten digits, 10 classes, 6000 each
    • CIFAR colour images, 10 classes, 5000 each
    • ImageNet LSVRC - more images
  • Tasks:
    • image captioning
    • image classification
    • object detection
    • object segmentation
    • generating images
    • generating art
    • style transfer


  • Enhanced using: ReLUs, overlapping pooling, stochastic gradient descent with momentum and weight decay, 50% dropout in fully connected layers
  • Data augmentation
    • Cropping out 10 patches of the original image
    • Horizontal reflection of each patch included
    • RGB channels had changed intensities
    • Predictions of the 10 patches averaged at testing
  • Convolution Kernels
    • Filters on GPU-1 are colour agnostic
    • Filters on GPU-2 are colour specific

Deep Networks

  • > 10 layers: weight initialisation and batch normalization
  • > 30 layers: skip connections
  • > 100 layers: identity skip connections

Weight Initialization

  • We want changes in the weights between layers to be around the same size.
    • This is affected by the variance in input and output, number of outputs ($n_i^out$) and a constant that takes into account the transfer function ($G_0$)
  • We know that for D layers, the variance is:

$Var[\frac{\delta}{\delta x}] = (\prod_{i=1}^D G_0 \times n_i^out\times Var[w^{(i)}])\times Var[\frac{\delta}{\delta z}]$

  • We want the variance to be around the same between input and output (left and right) - so therefore we choose weights such that

$(\prod_{i=1}^D G_0 \times n_i^out\times Var[w^{(i)}]) = 1$

Batch Normalization

  • We want to normalise the activations of the nodes of a particular layer. To do that, we normalise the activations $x_k^{(i)}$:

$\hat{x}_k^{(i)} = \frac{x_k^{(i)} - Mean[x_k^{(i)}]}{\sqrt{Var[x_k^{(i)}]}}$

  • Then we shift and rescale it with our own custom mean and variance, that can be trained as well using backprop with the other parameters/weights.

$y_k^{(i)} = \beta_k^{(i)} + \gamma_k^{(i)}\times \hat{x}_k^{(i)}$

Residual Networks

  • Skip a layer, add a skip connection and add to the output

  • F(x) is called a residual component
    • Corrects errors from previous layers, or provides additional details
  • So instead of using H(x) as our output, we refine x with the residual F(x)

Dense Networks

  • In a densely connected block, each layer is connected by shortcut connections to all preceding layers
  • Each block is separeted by convolution and pooling

Texture Synthesis

  1. Pretrain CNN
    • Hidden layers generated that are general purpose
  2. Pass input texture through CNN, compute feature map $F_{ik}^l$ for the $i^{th}$ filter at spatial location k in layer l
  3. Compute Gram matrix for each pair of features $G_{ij}^l = \sum_k F_{ik}^l \times F_{jk}^l$
  4. Feed random image into CNN, compute L2 distance between original and new image
  5. Backprop to get gradient on image pixels, update image and go to step 4

Neural Style Transfer

  • Take content of image and style of another and combine to produce a new image