Encoder Networks
- Visualising hidden unit dynamics
- N-M-N task - e.g. 5-3-5 meaning 5 inputs, 5 outputs, squashing/bottleneck data into 3 hidden units
For N-2-N:
- This represents a 4-2-4 encoder.
- There are 4 possible inputs that are the same as the outputs, represented by points. This is the table on the right.
- There are two hidden units, which can be represented by lines (a function of H1, H2 and a bias).
- The aim is for the hidden units to split the points (‘squash’ into two hidden units)
- When there are too many inputs, the network becomes too constrained and unstable
- During training, the points start around the middle and move to the corners as it improves
- Similar to autoencoders that compress images, later in the course.
- If there are 3 hidden units, hidden units are not lines but planes, coins go to a corner of a square (e.g. for 8-3-8 it is coins on a cube octahedron)
Hinton Diagrams
- White is positive, black is negative, larger the point, the more positive/negative
- Looks at one hidden unit
- Superposition of inputs
- Swapping hidden nodes will have the same overall function
- Changing weights to be negative by reversing sign of weights
- If weights are the same for two hidden units, they will have the same errors and weight updates, which is why you should randomise your weights at the start
- Hidden units should try to do a similar job first but then specialise
- Each layer implements an approximately linear function, two layers introduces a bit of non-linearity. Should try not to be too non-linear
Limitations 2 Layer NN
- Twin Spirals
- First layer is the line for positive/negative
- Second layer learns convex features
- Third layer can learn concave features, like holes
- Hard to do - very low learning rate and initial weight values, otherwise network converges to local optimum
Vanishing and Exploding Gradients
- When weights are too small, differentials become smaller as you backpropogate through the layers (exponentially, due to chain rule)
- When weights are too large, activations in higher layers saturate to extreme values - gradients also become very small
- Weights with intermediate values - differentials sometimes gets multiplied many times where the transfer function is steep - blow up
- Solved by:
- Layerwise unsupervised training
- Train and get useful features first before caring about the output
- LSTM for recurrent neural networks
- New activation functions
- Layerwise unsupervised training
- Medium article
- Drop out/ignore hidden and visible units in a neural network during training, when doing a forward/backward pass.
- Nodes are dropped out with a probability 1-p.
- After training, activations are multiplied by this probability - so activation is the average value of what it would have received.
- Redundancy - when features are missing
- Simulates ensembling - different classifiers trained on same task for more diversity
- Diversity also achieved by training different subsets of data with replacement - some not chosen, some chosen multiple times
- In dropout, this happens because it is different architecture (units) and then later averaged over all different models